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A-Level Art Coursework

Below is the work I have created for my A-Level Art Coursework. I chose Water as my topic as I believed it would allow me to branch off into various subtopics. As I am now coming to an end on my coursework and now moving onto my exam work, I believe that I did work on various subtopics whilst sticking with the water theme. The three topics I focused on were, bath art, fish and portraiture. This allowed me to incorporate myself into the art as I was the model that I worked from. Most of my work is painted with acrylic, however, there are still pencil studies as well. 

I have recently been moving on to bigger sized paintings. At first, I was quite sceptical as the size was very intimidating. However, now I have completely changed my opinion. I actually now prefer working bigger as I feel like I have more surface to work on. I am now comfortable working on both big and small studies. This brings me to my final piece, which is still in development.  

 My final piece is a size that i've never painted at before but I am happy with the progress that I am making.
